a couple large pics. i know i know, who gives a fuck?

dpont say anything about my rake, its going to be lowered some more in the rear. how much, im not sure. we’ll find out tomorrow!


cheer up emo kid, life ain’t so bad

hahaha :rofl:

actually life hasnt been better. its jsut that everytime i post pics up, someone puts up the who gives a fuck smilie. so i jsut thought id add it to my title :slight_smile:

the kid with the focus is so wearing girls jeans… :rofl:

and his sisters shirt!!!

extra medium?


actually his sister is a huge slut…hahaha!!! shes pretty damn hot too

are u two :greddy:

pics of her instead of the metrosexual car :grouphug:

picture with penny

Levi’s car looks awesome with the hellas

That Sears truck is fucking tight!!! Whos is it?

NICE…we want pics of her slutn it up

A threesome of 18 second cars :smiley:

can i bring my truck to the next “who is the slowest in da 'burgh” meet.


im sure the truck would beat all our cars :weak: my friend with the mp3 ran a 16.6 at prp a couple weekends ago with i/e. stock they run 16.5, so that tells you something about his driving :greddy2: and his focus (not shown) should be running high 15s but im dead even with him :bowrofl: :owned:

looking alright

btw man, youre pants are falling down