A Del Sol I like:


Cross posted. Apparently this is from RicerMeet '05. err, i mean NOPI.


those look like some super swamper tsl’s :tup:

lol, guy must of left his ricer parked in tennessee overnight lol

I’m truely at a loss for words.

dumb spoiler… check
z3 fenders… check
hidious GFX… check
swampers?.. uhhh… check lol


if it’s a flex lift, i’d rock the hell out of it :slight_smile:

anyone notice the tires have no knubs left on them

^ he’s been street driving too much on those. lol

its probably like every other del slo, all show no go.

i love how only the front bumper is clearanced for the tires

her gut sticks out more than her boobs. Thats hot.

how do you get in it?..lol

drifting in JDM 4x4’s will do that.

I would open the door via remote… and put my right leg up onto the back tire… the step onto the rocker panel.

Of course this guy has a functional wing… so I’m sure it deploys a ladder.



Functional hood scoop?

And rofl @ chikies b00bies!

if you think that girl is fat… you got serious issues. No wonder why girls are so fucked up in the head.

best way to keep your gf skinney is to call her fat one day and feed her mcdonalds the next day … bo back and forth like that for 2 or 3 months … then stop … shes sure to be anorexic for life

make sure you tend to mention how her mom and her aunts all “really plumped up in their old age”

and just like that youll have a girl whos model thin till the day she dies

ewww…why why why why…and why??? :bloated:

i wana see close ups of the frame, it looks small enough to be a wrangler, i hope not though.