a different MySpace scam

from http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=59210352

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I don’t know exactly what it does, but it can’t be any good. I’ve been getting one of these about 3 times a week for the last month or so.

this is on Myspace??? they’re getting into everything now a days

lol I just got an IM from someone with “should I add these pictures to myspace?” link…yea definitly not clicking that one!

yeah, I thought it was totally fucked up. I thought I had a real message and it’s some fucktard trying to sell shit. fuck that noise.

i got the same message

Did you cry?


no, I bottle that shit up. One of these days, the wrong person’s gonna spam me and they are gonna die. lol

what’s your IM name? I’m looking to die.

I keep getting messages on myspace that are the same subject but from different people…i hate those fucking things. sooo annoying.

i think this guy got busted…

New York teenager Anthony Greco must have thought that he’d really put one over on the man. Having just successefully sent more than 1.5 million pieces of “spim” - spam sent through an instant messenger system - to MySpace.com customers, having misappropriated MySpace.com’s instant messaging system, he then threatened MySpace.com that if they didn’t give him an exclusive marketing contract, he’d share the secret of how he’d hacked the instant messaging system and sent the spim with others, opening MySpace.com up to the possibility of a disabling flood of spim.

The CEO of MySpace.com, Tom Anderson, did, in fact, contact Greco, and the next thing he knew, Greco found himself on an airplane from New York to Los Angeles to discuss his novel and clever method for marketing hiimself and his messages.

Or so he thought.

Greco, it turned out, wasn’t so clever after all, as what was waiting for him in Los Angeles wasn’t MySpace CEO Tom Anderson, but a warrant for his arrest.

It may be the first time in history that a spammer delivered himself along with his payload of spam.

In the meantime, experts are warning that the popularity and immediacy of instant messenger spam (spim) could make it the next big thing, sparking a spamdemic of heretofore unseen proportions.

Said Assistant U.S. Attorney Brad Hoffstadt, who was involved in Greco’s arrest, “We’re just beginning to get the tip of the iceberg. This could be a new wave as online communities start up.”

pretty girls are exempt, even if they are total bitches. (not saying you are…)