Myspace job scam

So i sign on myspace today to find out i have a message from this dude.

He appears to be in the buffalo area but im sure its some sort of pryamid scheme. How can i tell? cause half of his friends are all on their 20s and have bawler cars.

Hey Whats up…

I know this is really random, but I am a business developer from the Buffalo area, and I am working with a major communications firm that is heavily expanding in the upstate market. We are in the process of a major product launch and are in need of a few key people to help us lead the expansion in the greater Buffalo market. We have been doing various types of marketing to find the right people who might play a role in the development of our company here in WNY, but I saw you on myspace and just thought I’d shoot you a buzz.

The product we are in the process of launching is called a VIDEOPHONE, with voip (voice over internet protocol) which we believe will be in over 50% of all U.S. households in the next 3 years. The timing is perfect and we believe this will be a very lucrative opportunity to anyone who participates. The type of individuals we are looking for are working professionals, stay at home professionals, entreprenuers, and current business owners looking to add an additional income stream to their business. If you are currently keeping your options open to diversifying or increasing your income contact me back and I will give you more details. I also included a link below to a site that you can get more info on the videophone and the opportunity. To our continued success!

Be on the lookout kiddies!

lol wow a videophone!!!, too bad they are already out and about and are really nothing new. What a tard.

which we believe will be in over 50% of all U.S. households in the next 3 years.


My friend had the same exact message sent to him aswell.

actually his was different after reading yours.

						  							 								Hey Whats up...   

I know this is really random, but I am a business developer from the Buffalo area, and I am working with a major communications firm that is heavily expanding in the upstate market. We are in the process of a major product launch and are in need of a few key people to help us with promotions and marketing. I’ve been doing some recruiting in the newspapers, career fairs, etc. I saw you on myspace and just thought I’d shoot you a buzz.

We are looking for a few key people to act as part-time marketing assistants with our company. Now I can’t promise you anything, but if selected these would be independent agent positions, giving you the ability to set your own schedule and be your own boss. Most people on our marketing team earn very lucrative pay working 10-15 hrs /week. For more information leave the best phone number I can contact you at, and I will do my best to return you message by phone within 24 hrs with more details. To our success!

Nicholas Faith

That was what was sent to him.

Thats what i figured, I just thought it was hilarious because everyone on his profile had bawler cars. I knew it was a scam when i got to the asian and he had a benz and planned to buy a lambo, in real life it would have been an NSX.

I’ll tell you what you kiddies should get into next… VoIP

That’s the only place where businesses are going (Internal and external calling) and guess what their going to need? Someone who knows their shit.

You can quote me on that.


I dont doubt that, but this guy is a scamming toolbag. If you look further into it, it doesnt have to do with VOIP at all, he is tied in with some company that seems to throw big parties to hype up young people about getting into their scam.

We’ve used VoIP for a long time here at work. Everyone will soon. The ability to take your phone anywhere in the world and recieve phone calls like you are at your desk FTMFW

What is there to know? Not being sarcastic. I’m curious.

I had a guy approach me in person at Chase Pitkin in Brockport NY. He started off by asking me about what I did and then said “so it sounds like your not happy there”

I originally thought I was getting hit on until:

he went on to try to get me to work with his business who was “expanding into the upstate market big time” and “needed a few key people to help with the expansion”

Sounds like there may be a connection

I walked away before he went into what the business did though


sounds like it to me. nothing about this seems legit. Like i said before this doesnt have anything to do with VoIP, it has more to do with getting young people hooked into a scam.

but does anyone know what the actual scam is? do them want you to buy/sell stuff?

Forget all that.

“I know this guy who buys all of his house hold supplies (Toilet paper, etc)through these supply chains online. He has to oder large quantities but its dirt cheap and he ends up getting the money back with referrals. The more people he gets the more referral cash he gets. This is pretty much all he does now. He was telling me he wakes up in the morning and asks his wife what she wants to do that day. He pretty much does nothing now but collect checks. I know it sounds like a pyramid scam but its not. I have all the literature in my car. I can show you how its done. I’m just getting started so I haven’t seen any real results yet.”

Yeah, a kid I know tried getting me into this at a company training trip last year. That was his selling approach.

Got that shit sent to me last week

I was approached too. I actually sat down as a favor for my buddy, and saw right through their bs. Its a pyramid type scheme. Yes, there is a legitimate company behind it, a tech to actually. They only provide Telephone service in this area so far though. They want you to sign up 2 friends and 10 customers within the first month, and keep it up for as long as you are with the company. It is also a $600 buy in. AVOID

VOIP over Mobile Phones is where the next big thing will be. That was always the goal of the original architecture of most of the VOIP companies anyway.

Imagine… your mobile phone switches to VOIP mode anytime you are within an open wireless network, and your calls don’t use minutes, and you are able to use your phone in places where you might not normally get service (ie: inside large office buildings).

There are quite a few companys out there working on getting this “dual mode” technology out there, one I believe is

What you got looks like ACNs next “business opportunity”

Current VOIP setups are weak IMO…The big VOIP boom will come when companies like verizon & sprint who have broadband wireless networks get into the game…esp verizon since they’ve been laying Fiber Optic line for a while.

Verizon will be able to bring you VOIP cell, home in conjunction with your TV & ultra high speed interweb.

What I dont get is, here is a guy…a guy who got suckered into this pyramid scheme…and now hes gonna sucker me in?

yea right…All I could think was “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fuckin sucka!!”
