A few Ducati Pics

It’s been a while since I’ve picked up my camera to head out for a random photoshoot. Mind the slight lack of sharpness, I have to manually focus this lens on the D60 body. Bike is oasis24-7’s

Is this Brents new bike? Looks real nice!

PS: Where have you been?

Yeah it’s Brent’s. I’ve been around. But barely riding. Just started a new job and have a lot of shit going on. This weekend is the most I’ve ridden in a while. I need a track day soon. :frowning:

Very nice, I haven’t seen you around in what seems like forever, so I take it the new job is going well? I really wanna go to TMP by the end of the summer.

nice how does it ride? is it quicker than the honda?

Sexy… I haven’t been out much either because of work. I’m done with my Summer clerkship this week so don’t forget about me when you go riding anymore! :wink:

Awesome pics!

That is teh sex.


some guy just valeted his brand new Ducati Street fighter last night.

ugh, sex on wheels, CF wheels that is :wink: