Finally some pics of the summer ride.. SBC inside

I washed it. So I figured I’d take some pics with the camcorder. I don’t know how to do anything fancy, and don’t really care to, but if one of you wanted to, I wouldn’t say no.

I don’t know how to get rid of the glare… took 2 pics, same effect. :gotme:

Tilted the camera sideways for this one.



that thing is gorgeous…and prolly hauls fucking ass.

nice truck too!

lol… I’m amazed that part of the bumper was clean, haven’t washed that thing in forever. :lol:

very nice

you look very sexy w/ no shirt on

man that bike must haul. Looks good.

What is a ballpark number for a bike like that to run the quarter mile in???

Christ youre a redneck…


I think I talked to you at the track once. Nice bike

What kind of motor is in that bike???

Edit:Just figured out what SBC means.

thats gota be some fun to hammer on… nice bike :tup:

Yea my dad has a pretty sweet bike.

herman took it to the track and went mid/low 11s

ZZ4 350. 385hp, 405tq I think.

I ran 11.2@130. It has 10s @ 140 right now. It has its days where it runs perfect (like today), and it has its days, like when I took it to the track, where it runs like crap.


Yea my dad has a pretty sweet bike.
the original Jack took it to the track and went mid/low 11s


This bike has never seen mid 11s, even on its first pass… unlike some other slow driver I know that smoking the clutch ran 13s in a 600+ hp cobra… like a noob.

And it is my father’s bike, never said it was mine and never do. The comments like “nice bike” aren’t even directed to me, and aren’t meant to be, they are directed at the bike, and I agree. Don’t be jealous that my dad trusts me with an expensive toy of his, and wouldn’t trust you to wipe his ass. Wash your POS and get it off the trailer, and I’ll race you 30-150 any day of the week. I bet $500 that when it runs right I out trap your POS at the track too. it stalled after the burnout and you still only ran like, what, 2 mph faster than me? If I wanted to buy it, I could. But why bother when I can pay for insurance/gas and enjoy it like my own? I have a mortgage to pay… don’t want to waste a lot of $ on a trailer queen, not my style.:rubicant:


Yea my dad has a pretty sweet bike.

herman took it to the track and went mid/low 11s


Thats its? really? I would have thought a SBC in a bike would be at least 10s.

im ready to run you whenever… 4 banger on v8… 2 wheel hatred… its on… you better bring more than 11’s though… <3

how bad does it turn? we should swap sometime… nice bike

there ya go will, go pwn the SLUG HOSS!

this might be worth bringin my car out as a chase cam.

I hear ya Willy. I was disappointed when it ran like but after sitting in the rain all day before I got to the track, but I figured I’d give it a try.

It has 10s in it right now, it has been very finicky lately, and I can’t trace it down.

It doesn’t turn bad… but I scrape the pegs a lot. If I put them forward more on the “crash bar” it would hit the exhaust… so I’ll let the pegs drag.

Its just a blast to ride, no shifting at all… all go. Crack it open @ 50 and you smoke the tire a little bit. Crak it open @ 10, and you leave a burnout for as long as you have balls… it gets hairy :lol:. I left a 150ftr on N. French leaving work, fishtailed from one side of the lane ot the other then straightened it out and then caught up with traffic… and got out of it.


Thats its? really? I would have thought a SBC in a bike would be at least 10s.


1 speed automatic… that means your in the same gear @ 5 mph as you are @ 150mph… 355hp and 1100 lbs… its heavy for a bike. Think about it, you have 100+ hp on a R1 or a Busa and a third of the weight… so they aren’t super rockets, just normal rockets.

hott bike :tup:

Prett cool.