Quick shoot of willybeen's new sloooow POS

Stopped for a second and snapped a few shots, didn’t have a tripod and was too hot to care about the quality, but you get the idea… bike pulls like a freakin freight train.







so hot. :tup:

part of the KW crew?

Why would you need a tripod? It’s the middle of the day? bikes look great though.

that bike looks fantastic. :tup:


liter bike ftw

KW club? thanks for the friendly words… anybody have a hookup on suzuki parts?

very hot.:headbang:

Nice pics, nice bikes. My buddy has a anniv. edition R1. Has a 4pipe aftermarket exhaust (cant remember the name off hand). Had the thing up to 180mph…you guys are nuts.

im most likely going to regear this one… there is no need to do over 100 mph in first gear

nice looking bikes guys. Give me a ring sometime ill meet up with ya’s :wink:

Gixxer?! When did you start planning for this?


Anything less is just a moped.


try to keep this bike up unlike the last three you have owned, and dont kill yourself on it either. :smiley:

Its about time you got a bike with a real motor in it. J/k
Nice machine. Enjoy.

Man you go through bikes faster than most women do shoes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Quite the nice bike you got there. :tup:

ugh this almost makes me want a bike again.

i want a bike real bad. oof. :tup:

damn those are some nice lookin bikes.

I’ll come see it this coming weekend or something.