Well i figure they wont let us play in the greater then games with the cars so anyone on here with a bike (and no not ur 10 speed) that wants to go out and play chime in and lets see what we can get goin on.

next season if i go back to a liter bike… u got urself a DEAL… right now… its just not even fair to race a liter bike vs a wimpy 600 lol… if you wanna setup a road course… you got urself a match :tup: we could even do a wheelie comp… i keed i keed

im slower than both of you but ill come out and play/meet up for the sport

im in Virginia this weekend but other than that im game… someone just pm me

your bike still stock? i wanna swap one day and see if i notice a difference if ur down… u can see how much of a difference the damper makes…

yea unfortunately it is bone stock…

got my first service done a couple weeks ago, and had some money to spend on it but i got arrested one week and had a 800 dollar car bill the following week just to get my car to pass inspection

i have some parts on order though, basic body stuff for now and a pipe.

maybe next week we can swap, because over the winter im planning on doing a pcIII and damper…

Come on guys … here doesnt have a liter bike …

nice screen name change Jeffery …

I can play woot woot just waiting on the new chain and sprockets to come in

maybe im down…as soon as my stuff comes in

well a road course and wheel comp on a bike that is streched about 12 inchs just aint gunna work out too well for me but i can still hang in the corners pretty well for being as long as a limo:wiggle: and come on im not even in the 1000cc class…its just a lil baby 900.

anyone goin to summit park mall tonight???

i might go depends what time i work till

Im down for some runs, But I only have a little Kawi… I would Like a rematch agenst a 636.

pm me, i beat a 7r a few weeks ago :wink:

hey shrives, i’ll run, you can win and we can both go on our ways

does anyone on here have a fast bike??? I think im gunna have to build a car so i can have some fun. lol

just finish the blazer … then you can come out and beat on all the cars

I’m in!

gsx’s bike moves pretty well :tup:

Jeffs bike is sick…HI JEFFERY

I’ll race any of you

in the 10-speed greater-than chain :ohnoes: