Some snky night bike pics

Went riding the other night with 7 bikes total and decided to take the camera last second. Glad I did. Good rides :tup:

These aren’t all of them, I’ve been hurting for time so I’ll edit and post the others soon.

All but one are in the same spot, so kind of boring. The other ones I feel came out nicer.

EDIT - A few more

first shitty try at an HDR

is that conners r6



i like the duck

Sweet pics :tup:

God the rest of those bikes look homely (no offense) compared to that 848. Its the only bike I’d consider trading the 675 for.

Nice work Paulo. The one at UB under the tree definitely looks cool.

Avatar- Where is your plate on your bike? Also what are you using for rear turn signals? I like the way the tail looks and wouldnt mind doing the same to mine.

jealous. lol

very nice pictures, that one of avatar’s under the tree does look really good too

more aperature.

^ on what pictures? the aperture for all but one were as low of an F-stop I could have it on…

I have an integrator kit for the turns and the plate is just mounted up under the tail. I’ll take a pic and post later.

avatar has the SV.

there’s an 848 under the tree.

Ya, lol. I wish I had the Ducati. That thing is so nasty.

3.5 I take it? I don’t have an exif viewer on this computer. a nice 1.8 50mm lens works great for night shots :wink:

It would be, but mine doesn’t autofocus on my D60 body, and I wasn’t in the mood for it. lol. Plus I wanted wide angle shots.

I might sell the 1.8 I have now to get a DX version so it can AF.

word.high res to my email

Thanks it looks alot better that way then the fender eliminator I have.