Some snky night bike pics

Very nice. I of course love the Ducati. But Avatar I REALLY like your bike.

shutter speed?

ducati shots are hot

20 seconds.

Save the file, right click, properties, details.

And yes, I do this all the time when the nyspeed camera pros take pictures. Probably the greatest way to learn.

Always appreciate people not hiding the extended data.

John, get some smaller mirrors and clipons/flip the bars/drag bars!

Ya i know. I should just cowboy up and do it. Maybe I’ll place an order for clipons and bar-end mirrors next week. I really don’t like the supermoto bars on it now. I’ll have to learn how to ride it all over again though lol.

That is the exif viewer I use at home :tup:

:tup: Sent the link home.

check the rest of them. They weren’t all that long. Each bike was different because it was metering off of very different colors. Which is why the low angled shot of the Duc made everything comepletely black out.

awsome pics paulo love the long night exposure with the cars in the back, Im starting to really like that look, I took this one of tims bike the other night.

^ I like that. But the white balance could use some adjusting. The foreground seems very orange/yellow.

I think its the edit, the forground has the strange light from BT and and background the backlighting is reduced so it appers colorless

thats what I’m saying the white balance will take care of, the lights at BT are yellow.

ahhh ok, I’ll have to learn how to adjust it according to what Im shooting, Im still a noob ya know lol

I need to start taking pics. I have like 4 photos of me from my whole life lol.

Nice pictures Paulo. You actually managed to make my bike seem clean, when in fact it was actually the dirtiest piece of shit there.

avatar’s bike is sweet

what kinda tripod?!??!?!

jk nice pix paulO

Added a few more to the OP

pic of my bike in the trees?

Not hosted yet.

btw, did I really not get ANY pics of Ryans bike? I didn’t even realize it. Tell him to come out with us again.