Some snky night bike pics

Did the other pics at UB not come out well?

Not really. I made the good white balance adjustments when we switched to the walkway. The lighting the other side was horrendous. But at least I got the ones I did.

host the good ones… cutie.
Ryan said he was too lazy to move his bike and you werent accommodating to him. He said you’re too mean to him these days. (hence why he broke off early)

LOL at JBGTI lurking.

I see. We’ll have to try to get out in the daylight next time :headbang:

oh shush, me saying “who’s next?” is accomodating everyone. There were 7 bikes, it was up to them to get in front of the camera lol.

p.s. I’m going in on Monday to get the suit pre-fitted. woot.