a few last hoo-rah runs this week maybe wed?

fueled her up with the 93 today, im ready

Haha got you FUCKERS GOOD! Im on empty. RACE weight bitches.

nahhh I got you… Im low on fuel and oil

Lmaoo! You got a smoke screen equiped.

fuckkk yahhhh

Mid-High 80s player right herrrrrre ready to GO!

Im calling out MUrrdog from a dig and a 60 roll

Im throwing some 93 in my bitch

Oh. Your hotrod volvo is getting its doors blown off son.

Yea right you are going down

doubt im going to be coming out this week.

i smell vag

haha I know the dig is to my disadvantage… but I wonder about the 60 roll

whadda surprise…


o well.

next season. I got nothing to prove anymore so I will just save the wear and tear and gas guzzling money.

i wish i didnt take my perfectly fine running car apart already

lets do this me and you 20-40-60? whatever is good for you

and nickalero you wanna go to?

just trying to get some runs in and i dont care who their against

u guys are racing cars slower then mollasses holy fuck assholes

Stallmer, the denali does have an lq9 in it

Lmao that was me, LQ9 FTW.