A few more pics of the illese... *56k*

haha I missed that

“those are the warning cords, i still got like 10K miles left on der.”


The wall one is awesome. The bridge ones suck.


nice, i def like teh grainy one, newman we should do a shoot sometime b4 winter holla

Teh sexsay.

i just did a slightly larger version of the PSed one, as you can see, it’s kinda shitty, i am goign to try to replicate the effect on some of the better pictures:

Newman, I thought you were pretty talented at first…but being able to drive two cars at once…thats pretty crazy! How do you do it?


BTW. the nyspeed decal on the lotus is awesome.

I think that was OnyxZ32’s doing, but i am not positive. We all got them at the toronto grand prix.

Not that i can do any better
But newman your photoshop skills need work.

why? Did you see what the picture looked like to start with?

Best one…

I’m kind of curious what that pic would look like, if you tried using the texturizer with the texture on sandstone and relief set to 1. Instead of the Video Grain effect

drop the orange / high pressure sodium light ones to B&W see how that looks.

i’ve never been a fan of “tree/pole/sign/etc growing out of the roof of a car” shot.

nice pictures otherwise tho :slight_smile:

It’s a Lotus Elise. You put it in your pocket and drive the Subaru. :gotme:

Ooo hotness

pics are kinda weak. Bad lighting and underexposed for the most part

I’m pretty sure the grain was from the photo not an effect then lightness was played with and some other shit was added to it so the shitty picture looked like an intentionally shitty picture

yeah. the picture was grainy as fuck. carl posted what the original looked like.

im aware. I am still learning how to properly use my camera. This is about my 4th time really using it…

And for the most part, I dont want an exact duplicate of what it looks like in real life.
