A few more pics of the illese... *56k*


Are you fucking retarted? Your pocket would need to be atleast 3 times the size of a normal pocket… What? dou you think the lotus is a car that is driven by ants?

Haha, just watched zoolander.

Kinda OT: What kinda camera was used to take these photos. I have a Kodak V550 5.0 megapixle. And I want something that can take much beter pictures.


If thats the case, your interpretation isnt good


i dunno, i thought the pictures look kind of cool, seems to me you posted some pictures of your M5 that i thought looked real shitty.

With art, it’s tough to say something is good or bad…

wheres the art in pics that are 100% true to life? it is lacking, unless you have a phenomenal subject. Interpreting a pictures potential and working according to that >>>>> some lame ass boring shot.

When I say I need to get better with the camera, im not looking to take perfect shots. Any moron can do that. The skill is saying “I want this picture to do XXX” and being able to actually do that.

IMO when you can do that, your pics become much more dynamic and interesting…

critique on most photography is wack anyway, dont let it flood ur gates

You are pretty much the only person who ever posts good pics. You usually focus more on subject than on the language of the photo, but you do it in really nice and clever ways…

Go spend about a 1000+ dollars on a nice one… and then take a year to figure out all the special shit on it. But the pics are amazing

time to shoot the 30th…

Agreed… his pics are unreal.