A few of us going to Lancaster Tuesday,

Me & few guys are hitting Lancaster this Tuesday, hope a few more can show up for T & T. C ya, Ken.

What time do they start the races ?

I’d go, but my tires are getting hammered, gotta save what’s left. Might go with my buddy though.

i hope ur coming to the track rental in a few weeks ken.

GRRR my trans wont be done till weds.

I’d go and throw down some 6 sec passes with ease but my tires are down to chords :tdown:

Yeah, I’m sure I will, if they let us race side by side and only $35. Our last rental was one car @ a time and $65! I thought that was too much.

All right you guys, both have outstandingly fast cars & can’t buy new rubber?

Yeah I know, saving $$$ for stuff that makes them faster! My tires are shot to but I live like 3 miles from the track!
Next year I’m going with a 61 turbo & front mount innercooler.
That should get me to low 11’s highest 10’s

Hey Paul, who’s doing your tranny?

Cost to run is $15 and the fun starts @ 6:00
To watch is $12.00 (pit) & $8.00 for the cheap seats.

I just dropped $2400 on a new trailer…Doesn’t make me go faster, but I’m broke either way.

Can I show up on the bike? its domestik.

How crowded is it going to be anyways? I just want to get in a couple easy 6 second passes…

Or the bike will run like shit and I’ll run low 7s :cry:

Carl and dave over at competition

Good guys from what hear.

Bikes are fine, hard to tell how crowded, most Tuesday are not too bad, I run as many times as I like.

oof, its gonna be a hot one today

any safety requirements to run? (valid inspection)

No rags for gas caps.

You do not need a valid inspection. You do need all of your lug nuts and your battery needs to be down tight, that’s about it really.

house owns me today