A fond farewell to bohead from all of us at TNC [vid] :)

hardly … the video was nothing more than a showcase of some of his car pictures along with some member videos. was it done as a joke? sure it was, and i’m sure a ton of members on tnc had a good laugh. if you took offense to the video, than you take public forums way too seriously. if anything, he should have thanked me for taking the time and effort to showcase his car w/o any biased commentary.

i forgot to respond to renman’s post earlier. no, this vid was not sanctioned or made by TNC, it was solely made by me in response to his thread that got locked “thanks, but no thanks”. to me, anyone who creates a thread such as that one ONLY does it to create attention to themselves. so heck, if you want attention, here it is in the form of a video.

i knew some people would take offense to this vid, so i messaged blade a copy of this vid PRIOR to making it public and had the go ahead.

so to reinforce my original comment, this whole issue with bohead leaving and causing a stir was just a funny occurence. this video was created to add to that comedy. if you took offense to this vid, i’m sorry, but you really need to relax and not take everything so literally.

patronizing? condescending? right … that’s like me crying foul when noodleman called me a ricer on page 2. OH NO! lock this thread! he’s making a personal attack against me!