A Funny way the world is gonna end.

wow holy repost, not on this site though

but :tup: good vid and a good laugh

But I am le tired!


shit thats old…but not complaining about watching it again…

that was cool

I’ve seen that so many times… but is that the original? it seems different… like he re-recorded it and fixed the graphics.


one of the computer nerds on here needs to do that up in 3D and sell cool glasses for it…HAWT!

Classic funny :tup:

oh man, so classic

good repost, i lost the link so :tup:

fucking kangaroos

Dude, haha I was just about to say that.

ROFL thats awsome.


WTF Mate

I’m gonna say that from now on.

I haven’t seen that in a few months and it’s still just as funny

I’m le tired…