a future project, uncovering a WNY history

my brother was working construction at a house, i have to get the exact addy from him… but it was all being torn down and everything to be thrown out, but he grabbed a box of glass negatives. they are in boxes and are 4x5 glass negatives… ive had them for about 3 or 4 years now, and i just got a new printer with a scanner and am going to start scanning these… ive seen pictures of familys, locations, with little inscriptions of a buffalo address, a buffalo house, pictures of streets with cars that look like model Ts, really old stuff… one of the negative said “1920” …

some of the names i saw were McCray, and Watson…

here are just a couple scans i did, others dont scan well at ALL, but out of the first 4 scans, these came out… in photoshop u have to adjust brightness contrast and hit invert of course since it originally scans as a negative.

its going to be very cool to uncover some local history via these old photographs

some LOVELY PORTRAITS, more to come soon once i scan a ton of them… probably about 150 or so negatives, cant wait to see what pics will be showin up



sounds cool. I have a friend who knows a lot about these kind of pictures/negatives and looks for similar things at antique stores. I can let you know if they are worth some money or not.

Sick, post more up!

my grandmother is a historian, and calls random unidentfied old photo’s “Instant Ancestors”

i used to work at the Buffalo Club, the rooms were named after prominent buffalo and national people (we had 2 presidents of the us as presidents of the club) and there is a “watson” room there


i THINK it was clarence watson… ill have to see, i was basically holding a bunch up to the light, scanning is time consuming and annoying but i think it will be worth it

WAY cool. More!

Nick Cage FTW! just caught the end of ghostrider omg terrible…


those looks so cool

unless the subjects are “notable”…they aren’t of much monetary value.

Oh yeah forgot to mention… I’d totally rail that furry muffin.


they seemed to like their pearl necklaces back in the day

Cool stuff Mike-A.

scanned them ALL last nite…

going through them now, inverting, touching up best i can… some crazy stuff, found a super old pic of someone walking on Brooklyn bridge!!!

i will def post some very soon! i am like in awe as i go through these


lol, parenting has really changed


any nudes?

Ugh, way to ruin a potentially awesome thread by adding Nic Cage to it.

Fucking hate that guy.

edit- those pictures are sweet :tup:. I love old creepy photos.