Urban Exploration & Photography

Who is into it? There are alot of cool places around Buffalo. If so post some pictures of places you’ve been.


Concrete Central:

Alot of my pictures suck, and I hardly have any just because most of my stuff is on 35mm film, and my digital camera is terrible. LOL. I have more somewhere. :awdrifter:

pretty sure walmart or some place could turn your negatives into digital. higher end scanners can do this too

It’s cool. I have a bunch of 8x10 prints of all the pictures I like, which I’ve developed myself, and have the negatives of everything else just in case. I don’t find it necessary to convert to digital since I’m not going to do anything with them. Thanks for the info in case I ever decide to convert for some reason. On with the pictures:

theres been a couple thread about this so there are some people here that are into it.
heres one of the thread that im surprised the search found: http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62545&highlight=urban+exploring

Wait, what?! The search function found something that you were looking for???!?!?!??!

I thought the exact same thing!!!11!!1!1

Shit. Now I have to go break it more.

I would like to go exploring sometime. Seems like it would be a good time.

same here, i’m up for anything on the weekends! concrete central is a great time. been there a few times. still want to get to the top of it!

It’s pretty easy to get to the top of Concrete Central. With all the snow we just got I’m not a fan of showing how any time soon though. Haha. Maybe in the spring we can have an NYspeed urban exploration meet. Lol

Some friends and i do it all the time. Hit me up if you wanna go sometime. I have never been able to bring the camera though, for some reason we always end up going at stupid hours of the night.

GL. You have to be fully geared up and climb the jerry carts.

Word. I’d be down. I’ll talk to you about it at the booth.

i go a lot in the summer, need some new places as the ones i usually go to are torn down…i’m always in though, let me know

Reminds me of the powerhouse that was once Buffalo. Now it’s a junkyard for has been industry.

rite aid made my undeveloped 36 exposure 35mm film into a digital print cd for $2.99, its really cheap.

just sayin

anyone been to the Pendleton Castles?

Damn Ian, forgot to talk to you. LOL.

What is this “Pendleton Castles” you speak of?

bearidge and campbell, I think. I did allllong time ago, got chased out by dogs. there isnt alot standing last i heard

The story i heard, was a rich bloke moved here with his wife she got home sick so he imported a bunch of stone to build a castle like they had at home, and she ended up sick and dieing before they where ever finished. and he gave up on them. they where open to the public till the public started disrespecting them, then kept everyone out. the property was going to be sold and turned into a restaurant, don’t know what ever happened with that… shame to jst let them fall apart.
