concrete central grain towers: winter climb to the top? cajones check!

fuck it, who else is crazy enough to accompany me to the top one of these weekends?

noone ever does this kinda stuff in the winter, but i think a panoramic all the way around the building in the middle of the winter would be baller.

the most important things here would be winter work gloves, nothing to fluffy as that would impede proper grip. I can get a pair of safety harnesses from work that can save our ass, they just arent very comfortable

boots with great winter traction also required

The towers in Akron?

Seems like a terrible idea…

I concur…I’ll wait for the article in the paper.

I’d be all for it if it was closer

I wouldn’t want to be crippled over an abandoned grain tower.

Is there places to tie off with a harness?

Be careful

i’m in, when do i start?

i would be in if I didnt weigh 295

IM DOWN! i’ve been wanting to up there in the winter for a while to take pics and such, i’ve climbed it in the summer a handful of times so i know how to get up, pm me if you’re serious

i’ve never been up there at all, but i’ve done tons of urban exploring and climbing, i’m sure i’ll be fine

let me in on this!


Just Karter competition? I forget what he weights in at

lol… in b4 follow up article.
be safe.

Id love to do it, I can also bring the camera skill and equipment for that matter, but explain to me, do we have to scale the side of the building or what, I dont get what the harnesses are for.

snow is heavy… i don’t want to be standing on a compromised floor along with 5000 lbs of snow.

^^ precisely my thoughts… concrete is hard, and metal is rusty and tetanus leads to lockjaw.

i’ll pass.

the joe carts behind the building weer our way up over the summer, and theres LOADS of places to tie off to, including the tread risers for the stairs. the only reason we didnt use the stairs in the joe carts last time is because we DIDNT have any type of “fall protection equipment”

im quite serious about making the climb

I’m not sure if anyone should trust their life to being tied-off to anything near that structure.