My sunday evening - climb to the top of concrete central - NOW WITH EVEN MOAR PICS !!

few pics from my weekend, and a long read if u want the story

on a whim, me and 4 friends decided to do some urban exploring, the target was a local grain tower called “concrete central”, the objective was to explore, and to possibly reach the top

of the 5 of us, 2 of us decided to make the climb to the top, the path up was the “joe cart” seen below. 100+ feet worth of old rusty steel.

Concrete Central closed its doors in the 60’s, and in 1976 2 girls fell to their death here while “playing” inside. The response by the city was to cut the steps out of the stairs to keep people from accessing the tops of the grain towers

almost all the stairs were removed from the stairwell inside the building, and the first 30 feet of stairs was removed in each of the 3 Joe carts

our path up was one of the joe carts. we climbed the exterior of the cart till we reached a level that still had the tread risers and railings from the staircase, we then switched to climbing up by using the railings and risers as our path

we shied away from using the stair treads themselves, as the clips on the risers were very well rusted , in some cases the tread risers were perforated with rust around the steps, putting weigh on those steps would have surely resulted in a 40+ foot fall down the center of these industrial dinosaurs

When we reached the low roof, we shimmied across some i beams till we were able to jump the gap and land on the roof

after a quick exploration of the 1st floor of the roof top shanty, we proceeded up the stairs in this section of the building to the very top floor, where i snapped the pics of the surrounding area. quite a view, even if its just buffalo NY

we returned to the first floor of the shanty and poked around some more. we soon realized that the concrete “floor” wasn’t really a floor at all, just a meager layer of concrete over some plywood layed across the tops of the silos. the only reinforcements were NOT a lattice of rebar, but just some steel "T’s spaced 2 feet apart. the “floor” was literally shifting beneath our feet.

While carefully walking across the floor, i watched as one of the sections shifted down about a 1/4 inch as it let out a few small snaps and pops.

great, concrete so week a mere 170 pounds is all it takes to move a 1000 pound section of concrete

we decided to use the remains of the inside staircase to make our descent. as it was slightly better shielded from the weather all these years. The decision was rather tough, as the first 4 levels down were clearly visible, and there were only 2 or 3 steps left attached anymore, everything else having been torched out long ago.

we slowly started to work our way down, holding the railings and walking down the tread risers on the sides. $ levels down we reach a problem … theres only ONE floppy railing, one tread riser, and nothing to brace off of on the other side. :eek:

i said a quick prayer to the car gods, grabbed the railing, put both feet on the one riser, and let my feet slide down the riser. a hot step around the railing where its attached the riser 1/2 way down and keep on sliding. the one though running through my mind is how and WHERE im going to bail to if this railing gives … turns out there weren’t many options, as i realize that if i land hard on the next landing the concrete will most likely fail. and so will the railing just past it … ugh

some skill, some luck, all adrenalin, and some cool pictures to boot:)

view from the parking area

view from the path

the joe carts, used for moving the grain to and from ships

view from the low roof, 100+ feet up, reached by climbing up stairs w/ rusted treads

far end roof, opposite from downtown buffalo

view down the backside of the building from near the top of the joe cart

more complete view looking at the building from the parking area

top of the joe cart, looking at downtown

and heres the top of the silos, this is the floor below the top “shanty section” and runs the full length of the building

as you can see, the floor isnt doing to well, and its realy hard to judge if your standing on top of one of the small steel beams in the floor, if your on top of one of the silo walls, or if your standing over thin air

so we walked on the conveyor belts, hoping if the concrete gave the conveyor belt would save us … but in all honesty it was pretty dry rotted … we were just hoping any bad floor had strong conveyor belt over it, lol

dude thats fucking crazy :tup

good read

i went fishing all through that area… good times… jabbu should see this… we wondered what was up there. :lol:

That is seriously badass. I’d like to see those pictures blown up a bit more…some amazing shots you’ve shown here.

next time we go ill see if i can get onto the high roof, but it can only be accessed through some manholes on the roof which arent in very forginving spots

failure will result in falling 30 feet through the upper building and landing on random machinery. not a very fun option.

ill also see if its possible to access the roof on the small building at the far end (on top of the silos) as i would be a fun place to get a 360* panorama of the area

shoulda brought my tripod, as it would have made picture taking much easier

theres al sorts of stuff to see and take pics of, i didnt realize till i got home that i didnt have any shots of the gutted staircase’s and such, oh well

and heres a link to a better parkin lot shot

2400px x 532, which is as big as webshots allows, the one on my hard drive is 8700x1900 :slight_smile:

ill redo all the pics in higher res and post links, but they still arent gonna be full quality

not very smart, but pretty cool, my uncle use to hop on a train from orchard park and ride it down there, they use to party all night in those building and hop on and ride home in the am…wow were kids really stupid back then but im sure they had way more fun

You didnt use any gear or anything just in case? I’m just thinking next time to be safe…

Other than that - totally sick.

I’m sure you’ve been to Central Terminal then?

Def. cool pics.Good job

no gear, not really anything to hook onto while on the stairs anyways, someone would always have to go up a flight of stairs first and hook off, so your safety line is realy just a 15+ foot long rope swing thats gonna send you swinging into some sort of concrete / i beam / shredded sheet metal concoction

death by falling or cripple by swinging … is either choice really better then the other ?

id go up again the same way no prob, and sliding down the tread risers for the return trip was a thrill too :slight_smile:

as for the terminal, weve looked at it from the outside :snky: lol

wow. That’s awesome.

You guys got some balls. How is pat doing I haven’t seen him in a while.

you know about how the dsm kissed the concrete barrier last summer right ? its going in for repair this week, should be back in action by the begining of June.

he wants to get ahold of ya, so PM me your phone number and ill pass it along to him. or if you have his cell # still just call him up.

i have a video of pat sliding down the rails on the way back down, just have to brighten it and upload it.

Pretty cool way to kick Darwin square in the sack.

Nice pics too. :slight_smile:

this is the single best post you’ve ever made.

^ You didn’t appreciate retard sex?

did you ever go in the beer factory before it was razed?

pretty BA…

Awesome, also had no idea Pat’s DSM hit a wall quite the shame it was pretty clean.

sweet pics

Tremendous pics :tup: I don’t do heights, the photos gave me vertigo :stuck_out_tongue: