Buffalo Central Terminal - a look inside


main concourse - pics came out like crap

Entry lobby:


more to come …


Such a cool building. Keep the pics comin.

Went on a tour of the place a few weeks ago, such a shame the way it was just neglected.

I used to volunteer there twice a month at least. Saw some things that I figured i’d see and some thing I never thought i’d see. Oh, and it’s haunted. Love that place.

did not know this place was open to the public, cool shit

Dude there a fuckin zombie in your 2nd pic

My sister got married there last year. It made for some really cool wedding pictures.

There was an episode of taps in the bct was a pretty good watch if your into that. Really nice building I wouldn’t mind seeing it

theres a number of public events every year, but event season is winding down now, theres 2 Halloween events and a members tour left, unless something gets slipped in at some point

but as a volounteer there i get weekly access :slight_smile:

yes. but i wont get into that here …

actual event style tour or showed up to look around and got to walk the main concourse ?

ha, thats sweet how that turned out, never even bothered to check out the people in that shot

another show of some sort just got filmed in the terminal … :snky:

Did a project on this a year ago for an Architecture class.

We got a tour up the tower to about the 11th floor. Pretty Sweet!

I’ll have to dig some pictures I have up and post em.

I was there for a car show this summer. hey were filing a zombie film in the connected loading buildings.

I’ll link up my gallery too


I just saw a “Ghost Hunters Academy” tour bus at a Hotel. Was it them?

It was a guided tour earlier in the month, we had some bald dude showing us around. I wish I could see more of the terminal that is sort of off limits to the general public but I’m not about to trespass or anything :slight_smile:

hotrod have you ever been to the top? I loved it up there.

was a movie actually, slime city massacre if i’m correct on the title, know a few people that worked on it…I was going to go and take some pictures, but had other things planned that day

That’s what it was. I couldn’t remember the name.

sounds like the Buffalotours.com tour

and the last time anyone broke in to the point of triggering the alarm, it took BPD less then a minute to arrive at the terminal. and it will take more then that amount of time to make it anyplace cool …

slime city was filmed in the mail building IIRC, im talking about the filming that happened IN the main concourse area

not yet, probably not till spring either unless we have to go up to patch windows


Yeah that was it, I was there for the train show the prior week and decided to take the tour for the whopping 5 bucks it cost. The guy made it seem like the place was pretty well locked down but even if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be worth the risk imo.

How does the place have an alarm when they didnt even have electricity last time i was there? Or has that been updated?