A little practice...routine I've been working on. (VID OF ME, how exciting)

check it out.

youtube sound is laggy as fuck, but it might be my PC, who knows.

your parents must hate your hobbies… lol… btw the sound isnt that laggy… i dont think id be coordinated to do that, not with any uniformity atleast… i just wish i knew some of the music…

haha they’re cool with it. :slight_smile:

pimp shit…good job…moreee

haha thanks.

this is the first vid ive ever done, I wish my digicam would tape longer then 3 mins :frowning:

Dude… do you have any idea how far you’ve come with that shit since last year???

Maybe becuase I’m not into the whole scene…but that shit had zero flow

Very cool. We should try some stuff sometime, I bet some melodic bass would sound cool under all that.

thanks for checking it out and all :slight_smile:

yea, def didnt sound like that when you spun at my party last year… :tup: don

Now you just need to be able to do this

^^i like darkstars style better

Q Bert is the tightest scratch DJ alive by far, but outside of that dude really isn’t gonna see much love from me. I’m not much of a turntablist but I’m trying to become more adept at it since at a lot of hip-hop shows kids wanna see a bit of that…I’m more of a party DJ if anything…but I’m sayin there’s a reason Q Bert doesn’t pack shows like A-Trak and other tablists that combine party rocking…no one wants to hear dude cut for 4 hours. He’s sick, but being in love with the artform I still can’t hear more then a few minutes an hour of straight scratching…let alone an entire 1-2 hour set of simply cutting over beats. Just sayin, he’s still the tightest to ever scratch.

Thanks on the props everyone that left some love.

now that has flow

that was dope when he crabbed the beat and kept it on the cut

and the reverse crab to orbit toward the end was raw

and q-bert is one of the highest paid dj’s out there. 13k for like 45 minutes

gangsta… fo show…