A 30 min demo I had to record, free Mp3 download.

I needed a 30 min mix for a contest and a demo, so for your listening pleasure I give you my latest work.


Let me know what you think. It’s all over the place, but that’s my style…diggin in the crates and makin it blend. Thanks for listening.

what crates? ahaha

good mix

Bump. Sounds real good.

I like the fact that you’re ding shit that is totally different. So many people out there doing the same thing day in day out, and its a nice relief hearing something completely different.

Plus all the scenesters will want on your junk…

Is that Le Tigre I hear? :tup:

grr how do i listen to this damn thing…

right click save as, then use any ole Mp3 player

thanks guys

I like it.
I’ve been up for 24 hours doing a research project.
And now Im dancing in my chair.
Thanks man for the nice pick-me-up music.

haha np

I’ll give it a listen.

Keep in mind, as far as my own personal listening pleasure, you’ll be competing with DJ Ruckus Roboticus and his 1st place Record Playa mix from the original Rock Star Games DJ Mix competition. To me, that’s about as wide a range of music as I’ve ever heard in a mix. It’s 60 minutes on my link, but I’ve bought the CD which is 74 minutes. I recommend it. I’ll stop hijacking this thread now.

I guess I’ll be competing against him in the Rockstar competition too, then.

Cuz that’s what this was for.

Nvm: rock star drinks or some shit, not the games :slight_smile:

I don’t think he entered this year. His win was in the first competition, the 2003 Upload Contest. Last I chatted with him, he was working on a “real” album, not any competition mixes.



This is lightyears better/improved over the last mix I heard from you. Everything flows, you don’t try to do too much, and when you do throw in some tricks, everything syncs up. Even though I probably don’t care for half the music selection, I could still bump this in my car. I’ve listened to it twice, and I like it.

Good Job :slight_smile:

Thanks buddy. I’ve been working hard at this. Very hard. So this means a bit coming from you :smiley:

I kinda wish I threw a little more gangsta-ish hiphop instead of the poppy songs, but I guess this was to show a little progression since I’m not steering away from hip-hop, just doing new and different things around it. I want to make a 60-70 minute megamix sometime soon, probably over winter break though, to cover everything.

Cliff notes: Thanks, and thanks for listening :smiley:


night crew holla