Who the shit are you talking to :rofl
Oh, and I vote we meet at Sam’s tonight. So I can embarrass him on Forza in front of all of you.
sorry was talking to ron about his flat tire and how he can’t make it.
no need to meet with sam he’s all set. i’ll prob just talk to mike and joe on the phone to figure out the details of everything we need to cover.
if you plan on drifting be at lv by 3-4. so you don’t miss anything.if your just watching be there by 5 and your good.
I don’t have another car. I also have to work since i took monday off to take care of the damn car and flat tire issue.
I’m just going to go hang myself now
fuck your life lol
how late do you have to work ron? event goes til 11.
I get out at 5. Which means if i left then i get down there at like 7 maybe at latest. But i don’t exactly feel good about driving on a donut way the fuck down there
make nick come get ur ass… well he gets outta work at 6 thou… depends on what time i get out friday ill see what my plans r :thumbup