A long list of great reason to get avatars back:

all those are from the last season. the first 2 season were the best

shit i never noticed we didnt have avatars, id rather have avatars then sigs


bring em back


Rita’s character was the hottest girl i’ve ever seen on TV.

But under normal circumstances, Charlize Theron is not.


That was such a funny story line too.

I never noticed that avatars were gone. WTF is that all about?

Hey Newman…what’s up with not making “reason” plural in the thread title?


Hey Newman…what’s up with not making “reason” plural in the thread title?


must be a typo? :gotme:

It’s actually probably a proofreading issue, i think i originally typed:

A great reason to get avatars back

then added the “long list of” and failed to add the S…

(typos fail to annoy me, however, it’s misused words that really chap my ass.)

its so watery… yet there is a smack of ham…


id rather have avatars then sigs



the upgrade cant support avatars


Hey Newman…what’s up with not making “reason” plural in the thread title?


glad someone stole my sig…

happy you like it tho.

Charlize Theron is incredible.


glad someone stole my sig…

happy you like it tho.


Well with 7 posts it was hard to ever notice it, and I’m guessing you also stole it from someone at some point…but to make you happy I’ll remove it.


Well with 7 posts it was hard to ever notice it, and I’m guessing you also stole it from someone at some point…but to make you happy I’ll remove it.


no i saw it on some website so i didn’t steal it from anyones sig.

but you may use it if you wish. the more publicity it gets the better right?

i just thought it was funny so i used it. you do not need my permission to use it, i was merely stating that i hoped you liked it.