Did anybody driving down Western Ave tonight around 9 notice the 5 cop cars with lights on and the Emergency Operations R.V. near the intersection of Western and Willow. They were taking up a lane for about 300 yards. It looked like they had surveying equipment. They were all G.P.D. Anybody know what was going on?
sounds like accident reconstruction.
You mean Willow street and Western ave? Siver doesnt intersect with Western? I know there were some power lines down in that area due to the storms the other day maybey they were aiding in doing some final touches on them?
But JVG could be right thats a notorious intersection for accidents so it could have been a reconstruction.
Yeah sorry I meant Willow lol. I don’t know how I messed that one up, I’ve lived here for 10+ years :headbang
That many cops must mean a Honda pulled over for a loud exhaust.
they were waiting for swift :lol
hahahaa ya i heard he got past them tho :ninja
Did anybody get nabbed?
I know somebody got shot in that area a few days back
ha. ha. ha.
i wasn’t driving greg’s car so i was alright.