A new Energy Drink

So I don’t know if anyone has heard yet, but there is a new energy drink called “cocaine” out that aparently is “350 times stronger than a single can of redbull” I dont know where you can get it but I found their website.


someone let me know if they find it locally.

pure as the driven snow?? seems like it could be good though so now i have to try it.

Saw that on the news the other day. I think they are trying to ban it.

i want that now.

^^sir, if you read their website, it clearly says,

Does Cocaine contain cocaine? No, we don’t advocate drug use.

so whats the point of drinking this stuff? :rofl: jk.

if that shit is 350 times stronger than redbull who the FUCK would drink that? you wouldnt sleep for like 3 days and im sure its not good for your blood pressure

It’s not 350 times, it’s 350%. That is like 342.5 times the disappointment to find that out.

an energy drink that dosent make you crash.
Just the name makes me want to buy it,it promises so much.


the last time i drank energry drinks i had like 5 of those rip it things from walmart, i stayed up all night working on a car stereo system, i had to take my parents to the airport at 4am so i was like f it im not goin to sleep an pull an all nighter. Cut to 5 am where my hearts pounding im freakin out thinkin im having a mini heart attack and puking up all that sushi i ate earlier. now theres something that 350% stronger one of those will be good for at least 8 hours id think… I gotta get some of them

:roll2: yikes.

id be afraid to try it

but i would

or you could just make some maxwellhouse coffee and you get way more caffiene than any of that crapola.

ive noticed that 7-11’s carry all kids of werid energy drinks… so im gonna assume they will have it

350% stronger = 3.5 times stronger. 3 x’s of that is probably just a marketing campaign. The only time I ever had a Red Bull I promptly fell asleep after downing it. I’ll stick with a half pot of my coffee.

energy drinks = bell bottoms = silly fad shit

give Hybrid Connection a week or so, we will have it.

FUCKIN SICKKKKKK!!!, crunk and cocaine in the same place…gotta love it! :headbang:

We were just talking about cocaine the other day in school.

No, it is not.

^Just going by what their add says, including the idea that part of the gimmick of energy drinks are the herbal energy boosters, not just the caffein content.