Best Energy Drink/Supplement?

I’m making an emergency trip to NYC today and I’m the only one who will be driving. I just woke up, and I haven’t had enough sleep.

Help me out.

Even foods, don’t bananas do something?


scratch that I like starbucks double shots

but don’t drink too many, you will be stopping a lot



[SIZE=1]we have lots of it at the shop!

Dawn…I realized that you are underpriviledged and probably have never had the sweet sweet taste of crunk touch your lips. Come get some…and stay away for hours.



no doz

as far as taste goes with energy drinks I think cherry amp tastes the best, even regular amp tastes good. Go buy the big rig amp and get some no doz for your trip.

I can drink a red bull and fall asleep. Monster perks me right up though. Get the blue lo-carb can. Slightly less disgustingly sweet.

I typically drink a pot of coffee a day.

Sleepy driving is dangerous. Don’t create another emergency on your way to said emergency. Be careful. Don’t be afraid to pull over and take a 20 minute power nap if you need to.

buy redline energy pills
then buy this weird energy shot that has 250 mg of caffeine
then a rockstar energy drink

should be about 2000 mg of caffeine, well thats what i took in a hour at work the other day

Jeebus. And your heart didn’t explode?

nos!!! get one of the ones in the plastic bottle its 2 servings or bookoo is good too

is there any other supplements that gives energy besides caffeine?

It takes about 8 hours to work though.

taurine is the main one in energy drinks, i dunno if you can get it in pill form though.

my favorite energy drink is bawlz though. tastes much better then any of the currently popular energy drinks.

coke… not the drink. if the officer that pulled you over is wondering why you were doing more than double the speed limit and why there is there is white powere everywhere, just tell him you sneezed while having a donut


Jeebus. And your heart didn’t explode?


i was really freaking out

but i made it

This blows. I’m sure none of these drinks treat your liver kindly. I have to watch out for that.