Good Riddance Attention Whore

yeah, because if we pull out of Iraq, car bombs are going to start going off in NY and LA. :bowrofl:

The problem here is that you DONT understand the situation. We have the most devastating army known in human existence. And we go around the world swinging it around like Ron Jeremy at a big dick contest in Tokyo. We are the ones that are over there, fucking with their shit. The middle east had always been quite content with killing each other until the West came in and started telling them what to do. They have a valid reason for hating us. If we would keep to ourselves and stay the fuck out of other people’s business then no one would WANT to come kill us. They dont hate us for our freedom, but I’m sure you read that in one of your super top secret government memo’s we all give a fuck about.

And the gov’t is the United States, if I recall correctly the people that created this country were the first gov’t officials. If the gov’t wasn’t the united states then it wouldn’t be the united states it would just be some piece of land or it would still be colonies of Great Britian.

The country is the land, and the people. The society and the culture. George Washington would have been nothing without an army of the people take up arms against GB. The government it just a group of pricks that we chose to run the day to day stuff for us so we can go about our daily lives. Of course, they’ve completly ruined it and its a total clusterfuck that will take decades to recover from even if sweeping changes were introduced tomorrow. Sounds to me like you would have fit right in in Germany, circa 1939. [/quote]

And what war would be worth fighting to you? Please give an example.

WWII is the only one that really comes right into my head. But the irony there is back then the US was so non-interventionist that even though Hitler had taken over half of Europe and was exterminating Jews by the millions, we STILL didn’t declare war on Germany until the Japaneese hit us at Pearl Harbor. But today we go into Iraq on bullshit reasons when we should have stayed out. We’re horribly at picking which wars to fight so I really think we should just stop doing it.