A new scam?

I do some private security/transportation work for people, events, and functions and the latest I got an offer was someone who aparently got a hold of my email address and asked me if I would be available to provide a security escort. I emailed him back and asked for more information, if this was a transport job or event, etc. and this is the email they sent me. How many things can you point out wrong with it? I have never met this person in my life and no one I have worked with knows of this person or email.

Dear Applicant,
Thanks for your response and i am glad to read from you as
regards the security Job, I am John by name and i work in oil company,
the main purpose is that i need you for my son security and bodyguard
him for the short period that he want to go and use in his convention
that want to holdup on the 18th of January to 23rd January and i need
you for the short of the period and i think you are capable of doing
this job moreso. Your job is for you to secure my son and make him
happy because i will not be arround for that period and every
necessary items will be provides for you and i will also care for you
as well, it will be very glad if you can be my son bodygaurd due to
your experience.The convention with be in New York City.
My accountant will be sending a payment that will cover your upfront
salary and his expenses(Flight ticket, accommodation and other
expenses) while she is with you at the conference in the state…
So i will need your full name, address, city, state, zipcode, phone
number and mobile phone and do you know how to drive?

Because i will be contacting my account to send you paycheck for the
flight and your payment, so i will be offering you $900 for the job
apart from the flight ticket fee and i will be booking the flight to
you as well.
So i will be looking to read back from you.


Sounds fishy, but English may be his second language?

If he actually sends you the cash and a plane ticket, how can he scam you really? If you get to NYC with his payment, you’ve already won, right?

It could go both ways I suppose. Anyone think of a way that this could be a scam?

my guess is he’ll either want your account # to “direct deposit into” or require some up-front payment that will be “reimbursed”

I see no reason not to trust this person.

Sounds legit

OT-pm me how to get into that field of work. Seems like it could be alot of fun.

Boxxa the Boxing Bodyguard.

My favorite is he said his “son” a few times in the beginning and then at teh end says refers to him as “her”

Her was the accountant I thought

He wants you to his son. The whole thing.

^ That should be your response to him.

Dear John,
I accidentally your son. The whole thing. Is this dangerous?

I just got back from NYC. Train me in the arts of being badass and i’ll show you around?

Just dont give out any personal shit, obviously.

Pretty much I have worked downtown as security at a few bars and then have been grabbed to work a few parties and events that people host and just went from there. Nothing major but pretty fun side work in my spare time. The best was getting asked to escort some guys daughter and friend to the Casino and out for a night. A quick $800 to drive his SUV with the two girls. What he does and why it was an issue I still have no idea

Ya the fact that no one I know or have worked for knows this guy and after he emailed me, he sends me what seems to be a pretty canned response so he can go F himself. I should ask him if being a known sex offender would have any issues. Lol.

What if he is just a rich oil tycoon? Do it!

That lives in Buffalo? :lol:

Tell him your only accepted form of payment is bits of string.

Emailing him back and getting more info. $900 + expenses paid trip to NYC to follow some rug rat around isn’t bad. Just getting info on how old this kid is. Hopefully he is 14+ and ist some comic book convention.

So what are the requirements? Do you need to be a master fighter or can you get your licence and just work small jobs untill you get badass new york trips?

To be honest I do not have my license. Its more of a risk for me becuase if something were to happen and a issue broke out with me and someone else, I am personally responsible for the charges. I am considering going all out after this and becoming a armed certified guard if I find the time.

oh wow, you can find jobs without it?? In rochester its required for just about anything to do in the field. Im sure you have contacts, but if you need someone for this, my mom is friends with the head guy who trains everyone going for both armed and unarmed guards in the area.