A spotted car section?

Lately as with the coming of all summers prior there tends to be a rash of random “has anyone seen this race car drivers M3”, “I saw Newman in the lotus!!!111one1”, “Yay, roflcopter I totally lollerskated”, “Impala on 30s”, “Raced a sick F-Body” etc.

As of such people tend to toss these threads anywhere they see fit. Such as General Automotive, Off-Topic, Kill Stories (When there is no story suck). If no effort is taken to curb this epidemic then soon it could spread to other forums and infect the rest of the board.

As such I would like to make a motion to make a spotted section. So if people see a sweet car, want to hump a lotus, are curious who owns something so they can stalk them, or just want to say hi to someone they could without it randomly being tossed around in various sections until it finds a home in the vortex that is off-topic.

And yes it is kind of a rip-off of the spotted section on Buffalo Scooby, however this could also apply to non-member cars. In the mean time spring is calling it’s time for some of that wonderful bubble-tea!

Cliffs: A spotted section would be nice. Please. :slight_smile:

in. i think a spotted section would be cool. make it a sub section of off topic.

i spotted this thread. :lol:

A “spotted car section” that points to /dev/null would be great.

not a bad idea at all.

didn’t we use to have a spotted thread


didn’t we use to have a spotted thread


Yes, and of course, everyone just put their spotted crap wherever they pleased, so why start a section? :roll:


A “spotted car section” that points to /dev/null would be great.


Now that’s a good idea…


when i read the title of this post, i thought you wanted a section for cars painted with spots… dont ask me why. I actually thought to myself “there is more than one person on the forum with a spotted car?”

i could have sworn i saw skunk this morning on 390


Bumping this up as this idea is good. There is this on Roclife, and it’s not bad. It helps people recognize cars to faces of people who can’t make it to meets, etc.

Or just point out sick or sickening cars on the streets.

Required: Shitty cell phone pics of said spotted vehicles.

who gives a fuck about RoCLiFe