Abandoned amusement parks


Not sure what the story is, but spiffy either way. Just thought it was odd most of the equipment is there still.

And some more.


want to read the story to me ? :wink:

let’s buy it.

It will be a swell time full of lollypops, and candy.

Or empty pockets one of the two.

This one is cool too, it’s a 22 story tower that was built but never fully completed.


future darien lake pictures…

i just spent an hour looking at those two links. fucking awesome…

where are the Fantasy Island Pics?

those are some sweet places, lets go!

haha beat me to it


i would ride them lol.

y do u all think darien lake is goin to be like that its not a bad place?

Because,a couple months back they were thinking of closing the park.

Great pics :tup:

nice links, I spent the past 3 hours at work looking at them…

Yeah this heritage park is insane, almost like a ghost town

I really enjoy looking at pics of abandon buildings and such

i feel the same way, something about them is interesting…like you could see a flashback of when they were used

it would be cool to play some paint ball in an abandon park

so i take it if i went to one of these i could just hop the fecne and go in??

ohhh man i wanna go to one of these places!