Darien Lake: No Longer Six Flags


Six Flags unloaded 7 parks today to the company owned by one of their old executives, Darien Lake was one of them. Should be beneficial for the company if the new owners actually put some money into it, as Six Flags was running it into the ground under their debt load.

darien lake went south the day they turned it into a THEME park. i mean really, how many DISNEY stores do we have in the area ? if there’s not enough market base for Disney stores, how is there going to be a market for a Disney style theme park ?

the last time i was at darien lake, i felt like they were trying to jam happiness down my throat till i whistled zippity do dah out of my ass

hopefully the new owners save it, i know six flags has been trying to sell it for a pretty long time so far. to bad the new owners probably got all of darien lakes debt too

Darien Lake doesn’t have enough rides. You spend too much time waiting in line. I went to Cedar Point 2 summers ago and would never go back to Darien Lake now after being there.

^^^ Cedar Points rides were worth a 40 minute wait though. And if you got there early or stayed late usually the lines were non existent then just during the mid day.

I usually only go to Darien (theme park) now if its bundled with a concert so get trashed, go ride rides, then concert. Only way it’s fun now… needs about 10 more coasters and at least 8 fast or thrill rides

When it was six flags it was too fucking much money.

I forget the price, but even when they ran a deal, it was still too much money.

I’m not the type thats huge on rides, but I still like to go once a year or whatever.

This year I took my gf to fantasy island for 9 bucks a person after 5pm. We had fun, and fantasy island is a shitty little amusement park.

I remember reading something that darien lake didn’t want a certain clientel in their parks, so they upped the rates. They priced me out thats for sure.

they pushed the season passes on everyone, for one and a half tickets you could get one. basically screwing the occasional visitors

Its silly because I wouldn’t go more than once a year to ANY theme park.

I was in disneyland in cali a couple years back, I was all done with it after a few hours.

We went to hershey park this past summer, same deal I wouldn’t go back for at least 5 years.

Word I went there when it was six flags and holy crap was it expensive… It’s like 20 a person, then gotta pay to park… WTF… I’m paying to get into the park, why do I need to give you money to leave my car here to give you more money.
I can’t remember how bad the food prices were… kuz we packed our own lunch and ate it in the parking-lot.

fucking six flags by me never has king da ka open.

hate six flags

People still go there?

i never minded darien lake it was something to do for the day but they dont get good rides when they do get new ones. they need more coasters for sure

Not even close to a disney park. I could spend all day in epcot eating drinking and learning whi riding on some crazy mother fucking rides. If you have ever been on mission space you know what im talking about. That is a theme park, six flags is an overgrown carnival with characters. My girlfriend worked at disney for 6 months, while she was there i visited 5 times and had a fucking blast, sure there is alot of kkiddy stuff but if you are a fan of engineering and i know most of you have to be, you can’t help but walk around and just stay in awe of some of the stuff that goes on there.

^^^ thats what im saying, they took an amusment park (a place thats packed full of rides and shows and just jeneral things to do) and tried to turn it into a theme park by packing it with characters and weird cartoon like houses and all this other shit, then jacked up the price to pay for it all

i can take a cavalier and load it with high end BMW type options … and its still a fucking cavi, noone will care that its optioned out … its still a cavi

same thing with darien lake, they tried to pull a buch of disney land bullshit, and noone bought it

The best ride of my life only costs $9 and was the Big Shot on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas.

2nd best ride of my life was $15, but in the back of my '85 Iroc.

Darien Lake Blows, though i love the superman.

Six Flags just thought that they could take a profitable amusement park in Darien Lake, and make it more profitable by adding their name brand. So (I’m pretty sure) they added in the Superman coaster while they owned it… … … but that was it. Nothing else interesting went in.

The reason people keep visiting Cedar Point is b/c it has the BEST coasters, and at least they add a cool new ride every 2 years or so. Mill Force = 300 ft vs Superman’s 200. Dragster = way better than any other coaster or ride, JUST for the rush alone that you get right before/during the launch.

The reason people keep visiting Disney… is well… b/c it’s Disney. I don’t particularly like Epcot, but I agree that the drinking around the world and Mission Space do make it worth a visit. Families will visit Disney from now until forever. I’ve been there four times I think; once with family when I was 15, once with friends on a vacation to FL at about 20; another time with family at about 23; and recently with the g/f at about 25. So average 1 time every 3 years. Of course every time prolly costed 1K or more, but you get what you pay for… a unique experience to remember.

Darien on the other hand, probably costs $ 150 for the day for two people. Yeah the parking is ridiculous and the food is overpriced and the games even have gotten out of control. But it IS something different and it costs ridiculous money to run and maintain the parks. If they would keep attracting good concert acts, spend a few million to add unique attractions (and i’m not talking about that stupid looking water bowl / funnel thing, lol), I’m sure they could easily keep turning profits.

edit: Lafengas - i’ve heard about that big shot ride… you’re pretty much in the middle of the sky right? like a power tower on top of a huge structure? can’t believe it only costs $ 9, thats crazy. and, that was some crazy engineering im sure to develop that.

i never realized how much darien lake sucked. After going to busch gardens a bunch of times over here, and also seeing universal and all that…darien lake is a pile of crap

oh man universal rocks its my fav park ever and yes i have been to cedar point

^^ word… also been to cedar point. Doesn’t compare to universal.

i’ll actually be over by the park today… not going though

having been to both universals, LA and Orlando, Orlando Tromps , but you have to go both parks.

Busch Gardens in Virginia is fucking sweet and so is cedar point. But they cant keep up with universal

universal is cool… but pissed me off last time i was there. their version of the “fast pass” is garbage. basically, it was pay an extra $ 45 (on top of the $ 65 ticket) to use the fast pass once for each ride. WTF??? so in order to just avoid waiting 1.5 hours for EVERY ride, your ticket price was $ 110. that’s a little crazy.

compared to disneys (mgm in particular) fastpass, where you would have to wait 45 mins for the tower of terror, but then could get on the aerosmith coaster in about 10-15 minutes.