Abandoned E36 Turbo on I87N?

son of a bitch


:ninja like I said. I love having a winch on my trailer.

Pics or it didn’t happen :shifty

pm me location, we’ll have this thing in a big ass unrecognizable pile by 10pm tonight

Im pretty sure I know whos it was… Some guy w/ last name Tetalini, he buys and sells pos’s… He had an older corvette, 3000gt, eclipse gst, old ass car w/ a 350 motor in it (forgot what it was) and now the 95 turbo m3… Fuckin thing prolly blew up on him as its now off craigslist and I seen it on there like a week ago… He wanted like $13k for it so im assuming no one bought it and that it did indeed blow up lol.


this was the old c list post, idk if anyone has skills i dont know about that can make it re appear lol


I call BS… PM ME :lol

I saw that thing, it sat their for a couple days, the second time when i went by their was a state trooper that had its passenger door open it looked like he was looking at the registration. i belive its a turbo M3, i seen it on craigslist not to long ago.



IIRC, cops usually carry the tools to unlock the car.

i saw it there a couple times as well…i was wondering about it…

also ive seen the e46 coupe that i think was talked about earlier in this thread…black w/ front lip/splitter, really nice cosmetics and shit…w/ 20" nigg rims…car is real nice lookin minus those wheels…giant chrome mirror lookin jointz… :facepalm

Somebody probably was on a test drive with it when it went and they bailed.

those tools don’t really work on E36s.

AAA will flat out refuse to break into E36, because there’s nothing in the door to grab, they double-lock so you can’t even open the doors without a key, and in the case of coupes, the window will almost certainly be broken if you try to airbag it out.