Watkins Glen 9-26-09... 93 pics. 56K plz don't try.

looks like a good time

What is this car doing?

hate to state the obvious but i looks like it is going forward on a track BUT thats probably not what you wanted to hear


Thank you for the shots!

I saw a few E30’s in the sea of E36’s :excited

looks like a good time…

I think he’s talking about, how it looks like the passenger is dumping a 40 out the window.

Those are some good shots. I like this pic.

How many of these guys are Shiftys?

dude either that or he realy had to pit … and couldnt and just happend to have an empty bottle in the car ha ha ha :lol

Black and orange BMW is Jammer and I dont know what JClark’s BMW looks like.

Those are the ashes of another racer/track steward, that was his memorial race, the whole group took a parade lap, then, a full speed lap while the passenger sprinkled his ashes out of the window. Really touching.

wow that is really cool to do that, hats off to that

Hmm, maybe this one…

77 Jp - Jesse Clark(Jclark)
070 Jp - Jason Micare(jammer)
004 Jp - Jon Adams (skiboard)

nice work fellas

Nice shooting Cossman.

Just to add, it poured Sunday… and JClark along with a co-driver took the overall win!
Mr Adams (who would have had the track record if JClark didnt obliterate it) didnt make the rain race due to only having slicks. I started 46th because I allowed a co-driver to start the race so they moved us to the back of field…we ended 16th with me driving the last 35 minutes of the hour long enduro. Driving in the rain, with no defrost was interesting. Amazing feat for JClark

Well done guys, looks fun. I really need to attend one of these.

Forgive my noobness, but is this a E36 specific race or is that just a common chassis?

Not E36 specific, just happens to be a common choice in the Northeast. There are multiple classes racing at the same time (look on the door below the number for ‘JP’ or ‘CM’, etc). The different classes allow different mods. Anything with P at the end is Prepared, and allows limited bolt ons basically. M at the end is Mod and allows almost anything you can think of. S is for stock - heavy cars with full interior and minimal mods.

JClark is a cheater.

Must be.