abandoned factory



WTF happened? I am reading now but this is some wierd shit man

It’s Like a Playboy magazine, I just look at pictures ,Zero Text.

LMAO, well i am reading all 20 pages of it adn man i would like to go to UK to see this shit. Computers left on like someone was working, lights on, cars with keys in them still, it’s like the people just dissapeared into thin air. I mean stuff like meals just sitting on tables still and so fourth:beer:


So I find this to be very intresting…sorry for my ignorance, but what happened for this huge site like this to just become desolate?? There doesn’t seem to be much info.

This is the main plant in Longbridge for the UK automotive manufacturer Rover MG. They were basically the last large scale UK automotive manufacturer. They were in discussions with a large scale Chinese automotive company to be under merger because Rover MG was under about $175million in debt. Because of this debt, some of their suppliers stopped shipping them parts, so they basically came in one Monday, realized none of their suppliers were sending parts, and sent everyone home at lunch time. They were hoping for an emergency loan from the UK government, but it didn’t come through. So, basically, they just stopped production and everything in the middle of the day and sent everyone home, that’s why everything is so undisturbed, computers still on, large amounts of bodies and frames sitting around, etc…


Did the chinense buy them out and close?

This reminds me of the movie called the Langoliers.

How are these guys getting in? Just fence jumping, or something esle???

Just amazing???

Thanks for the info.

It seems to me that this happens in America more than people hear about.

Who owns them now???

wow good find

I’d be robbin’ that bitch.


The Chinese company, based in Shanghai, has completed the purchase and apparently recently reopened the plant within the past 2 weeks or so.

I’m pretty sure most of these pictures and shit were taken about 2 months ago.

That is insane. I love the idea of the urban exploration and checking out abandoned sites. It’s funny to see the place like everyone just packed up and left, no cleaning up, nothing.

wow, that is so cool. That is amazing checking all that out, just left there.

…in america, id’ be stripped bare :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been in automotive factories, while they were producing cars. This would be kinda eerie to be walking around in, with PCs left on & such. Eerie, but cool.

american video is closed right now and sony is/was to lay off like 900 employees this past week/in the next couple of week and scraps up :hsdance: