Abandoned Luxury Resort Hotel - NY

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0lXiP9xPNw”]Abandoned Luxury Resort Hotel - NY - YouTube[/ame]

this was first ski resort to use fake snow…look at it now

vlad take a look at some of the other places theunknowncameraman has explored. you might find some interesting.

That’s the old grossingers resort, I only know that because I was curious about the history of snowmaking. Fun fact, Hunter mountain claims to be the first ski area with snowmaking even though grossingers had it yrs before.

Stuff like this fascinates me. It’s like your seeing something frozen in time. The place was massive and even had an air strip. There’s a few boarded up resorts like this in Greenville. Tourism to resorts like this in the Catskills used to be a huge industry for the area.

There used to be an old plantation off schoolhouse road in Guilderland that’s since been demolished. But there was an old farmhouse and several cottages a barn and even a small cemetery. I use to love roaming around in there.

I went in the farm house one night with a shitload of people in high school. Good times.

Actually looking at google maps on my phone its hard to tell if it was demolished. The traffic circle there looks like they were going to build a road back there but it dead ends and the dirt road is there. The resolution isn’t good enough to see if the buildings are still there though.

that shit is cool

I loveeeee old abandoned shit . Such a simpler time

I am almost smell the asbestos and lead paint from here…

i like this stuff too. its like art to me but it goes deeper when you think about how it was when it was in operation.

i agree. post something you find interesting and i bet i will find it interesting too.

simple is better.

i hope you dont get the adverse effects of it. lmao

Very cool!