Abandoned Warehouse Automotive Photography

Took some pictures over the weekend with my S2k and a buddies Speed6. Here is what I came up with.










Nice, where is this?

Its the pierce arrow plant on Delaware.

Good stuff :tup:

Thank you.

Thanks for the invite lol

oohh thought that was a company name by the consistent use of capitalization. my bad.

next time. definitely

Lighting could’ve been better

nice background though

you ever want to do shoot with another S hit me up

Nice pics! Great setting to!

Thank you. Just have to take some more cruises to find other locations. Never really looked around for anywhere to take photos till recently when I got more into the photography.

That last pic looks like both cars are smiling :slight_smile:

These look great. There’s so many places you could go around here. Not sure how legit some of the places would be though.

Lol. :rofl:

looks familiar…ha

(mind you these are the first photos i shot in 3 years so i know they suck…)

i’ve been going to that spot for the past 8 years to take pics i’d say, used to play airsoft in the one building

Play with the curves and exposures in photoshop :tup:

I like the second one best. lots of shadows and color!

So you hate my car and by this point you probably hate me. That’s great.

Anyway, here’s how I spent my Wednesday night instead of going to Thunderdome. Just like before, no expertise involved, just some fun at a cool spot I know. If you wanna hate go right ahead.