Accident in front of west seneca west senior? mercy flight involved

What a shitty day it’s been. This morning was rough for me, but then I see this shit and it just doesn’t even compare.

I just pray that the kid lives. Nobody deserves that at such a young age.

How about they stay out of the fucking road.

Play in street w/cars = you might die.

Fuck em, it’ll decrease the surplus population.


The’re kids. Kids do stupid shit. Should they learn by getting killed? NO!

one less noob at SG.


who says they’re gonna learn anything from it?

obviously drunk driving and losing friends teaches people nothing.

Bwahahaha. I almost sprayed coffee all over my computer screen. Bravo Newman, you made me laugh today.

yeah i heard about this too
i had my early d
but i got like ten texts from some people saying what happened
i guess the kid was bleedin from the head pretty bad :confused:

Natural selection

He who dosen’t look both ways dosen’t see another day.

Still doesn’t deserve to die.

Didn’t you just wreck your car being an idiot?

Maybe if natural selection picked you back when you were a kid there would be one more shitty vdub running around…

“OUUCH, ohh shit haha”


Did I learn from it? Yes.

Don’t you worry, there will be another shitty vw running around soon enough.

please no more vdubs on the road

too late…sorry.

But the positive part is. I know its not fast. I don’t make it out to be fast. But I fucking LOVE driving them.

Yeah i didn’t go to school today or else i woulda been right there when it happened. Mom was picking up the sister when it all went down she was at the town resturant. She was actually one that was helping him until the medical people n shit showed. (shes a nurse). I guess according to her she thinks the car was turning looking the other way for cars and never saw the kid jet across the street. Still a blood stain in the street from where it happened.

If you got a bug I hope fry gives you a custom title about it haha

sorry. why would i downgrade from a gti to anything less than a gti?

How did you slip by?