Accident on 787 Thursday morning

Am I the only one that finds it odd that he was supposedly heading to a dr appointment at 5:15 am?

Just wondering what could cause him to become that impaired, and if it could cause that why was he driving in the first place. Not making fun of the guy or trying to be a dick just curious as to whether or not the article is correct in that sense.

Does it really matter? Now wouldnt be the time to ask things like that man…

Like many others, I dont know you, but Im incredibly sorry for your loss. RIP


This, Let it be.

Yea, sorry… At the time idk dident seem so douchebag sounding, looking at it again i feel kinda shitty… More or less was just wondering what condition he had.

Sorry if I “offended” anyone…

Again thoughts go out to you and the family man… I don’t know what its like to loose a parent but ive lost close family and that was tough

a lot of important test,s at albany med are done early in the morn . my sons are all at like 6.30-7 a.m

rip, this isnt the first time there was a fatal accident from a semi hitting a car going thew wrong way on 787 i believe ?

Weren’t two girls killed last year in a similar accident in a similar spot?

yep thats wat i was thinking just couldnt remember, the girls were drunk tho and this guy wasnt

Yes. 2 girls from Scotia. a friend of mine was really good friends with the driver involved in that accident.

Very sorry for your loss, Mike.

if by similar u mean driving the wrong way on a highway then yes.

those 2 chicks were drunk and high as fuck!!! i dont think this is the case.

sorry to hear man, i dont know you, but i feel for you. I lost my dad suddenly at a really young age.

RIP to him and if you need anything please let us know…were not all dickheads on shift!

ASHh I wasnt really trying to be a dickhead, I just let my curiousty overcome common sense

I really do feel like a shithead right now :Idiots

I saw it and drove by… It was crazy looking!!! RIP