another bike fatality on 787

Saw.the end bit on the news. Has anyone heard about this?

i saw pictures of the guy. arm and leg were severed, and i guess a broken neck. head/helmet were 180* from normal.

a guy came into my work with camera phone pictures when the guy was laying there still warm. pretty nasty.

Ray said the guy lived down the street from him, rode like an idiot quite often.

damn…my girl drove by there on the way to work earlier after this happened. guy was still laying there

To what I heard he was going really fast well over the limit missed the.turn

he must have been bookin… that ramp is not that sharp…
RIP and my thoughts go out to the family.

this guy lived around the corner from me… crashed last year too… Im no angel when it comes to riding fast…but this guy rode like a complete asshole. Im not surprised that this happened to him.

That turn isn’t that bad… I have hit that turn pretty fast many times.


There’s still glass n shit there. It’s kinda eerie driving past it knowing somebody died there…

this. just saw pics also, pretty gruesome

poor guy, 24 is awfully young

this was my best friends boyfriend… i was with her last night and shes a wreck…

just hope with all the recent accidents involving bikers, the few i know think twice before riding like this. i know speed was a major player in this tragic accident. i just hope that people think twice and recognize the consequences to pushing their bike.

wow…that is f’d up…