Account stolen? help please

I need help ASAP please,
I just tried to get into my email like any other day, and my password was invalid, no biggie I thought i typed wrong, nope, tried a 3rd time, still didnt work. made sure caps lock everything was the way it should be

so i went to the password recovery system for the secret question to have the password sent to me,

well i filled out all the info and then it asked my fathers middle name (which i also dont think was my secret question) and i tried that a few times and it kept saying it was incorrect.

I’m pretty concerned now about what type of information someone might have access to now.

any help or ideas how to resolve the situation? i figure someone may have had something similar happen to them

well im off to try and get ahold of yahoo somehow

thanks for the help

you might be fucked …

the last timei busted into a yahoo acount, i knew the person that owned it, which allowed me to gather the required info and plug it in, i had enough info to reset the password on screen, instead of having a new password sent to the associated email address (which obviously wouldnt have come to me)

you’re fucked. That happened to me. Unless its like AOL or some other service you pay for you are SOL. Mine was a yahoo account and i tried to get them to help me but never got any response at all. If this is the email account you use for you CC, ebay, banking, paypay, etc. I would highly suggest you go through all of those and change your email address and your password for all of those.

thanks guys