ACIII: Operation Red Coat


Need to set aside some time to finish the trilogy first…


Too many games, nowhere near enough time.

Not enough games. Haven’t gotten a new 360 game since Forza. Nothing good.

AC is the best series IMO of all time. LOVE those games. Can’t wait for this.

i’ve never agreed so completely with anyone Ilya. FUCK i love AC. the shittiest thing is that the team is just pumping them out as fast as they can, and they dont have the length that an AC title REALLY needs. i could tell Brotherhood and Revelations weren’t nearly as long as AC II. fucking amazing games nonetheless. the twist at the end of Brotherhood and FINALLY knowing what happened to Altair at the end of Revelations were fantastic.

Must play.


i was gonna be real pissed if there was no hidden blades.

The one thing I have issue with the series is the hand holding story line and linear objectives. I know you are suppose to be reliving the memory from the past, but I think it is a missed opportunity on the developers part not to inject the mechanics for players to choose how the story gets played out or at the minimum the illusion of having choices.