MW3 Reveal

looks awesome


I will rent it for sure.

another $70 for the same old shit. I think not.

If you’ve played one you’ve played them all.

Unfortunately it looks just like any game trailer. I’d like so see one w/ real game play similar to BF3. I’ll buy it either way, but it sucks that it’ll prolly have the same feel as anything else in the COD lineup. At least EA/Dice get new physics engines and such.

^The engine they used for Crysis 2 was good.

I stick to Counterstrike and Team Fortress lol

They said they modified the engine they used in mw2. destructable buildings and environments and larger grouped matches

Hoping they bring it closer to mw2 as it’s the same developers. Black ops was just terrible. Treyarch sucks.

All these games suck. Thye suck you in for hours on end into a world of nonsense time wasting and complete lack of productivity.

So when does it come out?


Nov. 8th


“Guys! The bad guys! They have nukes!” -stop bad guys- “Oh just kidding, I’m a traitor LOOOOOOOOOOOL” -main character dies- “SAVE EVERYTHING.”

I still hate the linear game play of most modern FPS’s.

Whatever happened to sand box type gameplay? People got ADD?

sand box is/was great.

this looks awesome none the less, you guys take it for granted tho the quality standards of major game production, thousands of people worked on this game… but for you it sucks :rofl

whatever, black ops is nice, mw2 was cool… make better games if u think its easy *****

I may buy it, I will be buying BF3 for PC though.


If you do not already, buy a headset for your PC, and you can come in my ventrilooooooo

Im just sick of COD series… i mean yea its fun, but it gets old fast, its the same game play over and over with differant levels and story lines… Perks can be fun, but for the most part they are pretty gay… I played it for 3 weeks, got bored and have not played it since…

The only thing keeping the COD series alive at this point IMO is the Name and the fact that people will keep buying it based solely on that fact

A revamped version of the OG Rainbow Six or Raven Shield needs to come out…

I agree. I LOVE the COD series but how many times can you repackage the same exact game? It’s getting really repetitive. Feels like a new game comes out every 6 months and they don’t have interest in fixing the old ones.

And charge you for extra maps! YES!!! CANT WAIT!!! LOVE YOU ACTIVISION /sarcasm