Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Looks like fucking shit.

I hate the futuristic FPS games. Black Ops was one of my favorite FPS games before BF3, and then Treyarch goes and ruins it w/ this game.

Thinking the same thing will not buy

Futureistic shooters are hardly ever good aside from a few exceptions. It’s harder for people to connect with something and enjoy that they might never actually see

Call of Duty is going downhill big time, its been getting further and further away from anything plausible since Modern Warefare

There still using the same graphics engine from 4-5 years ago

Bunch of sellout fucks who did an amazing job when they left MOH for some of the same reasons and are now doing it themselves

Black ops 1 and MW2 FTW.:number1

not buying this. B ops 1 was very well done. could’ve easily left it there.

not that it matters. next game im buying is ACIII :excited:excited

this is ghey, the graphics are absolute shit, welcome to 2005


I myself thought black ops 1 was junk. Mw1,2,3 ftw.

I download all these for the SP. The only game worth buying for MP is BF. End of story. CoD hasn’t been good in years IMO.

I’ll play and beat the SP in this one just cause. To me, it’s like playing a movie. Sometimes the story is good, sometimes it’s not. I have less and less time for games…so I just like to go through the stories, even if it means cheating my way through SP.

As for AC…to me, that’s the best game franchise on this planet. AC, GTA type games (like Red Dead Redemption and GTA itself), Madden, and NBA 2K are the only games I play for hours on end (when I can of course). Forza, although amazing, gets old after a couple weeks.

Goldeneye 007 owns all.

for n64?

this could possible be one of the smartest things ive seen you say. i loved goldeneye back in the day.

+1 rep when i can :rofl

I honestly hope they pulled it off and made it work. Finally a bit of variety to an established franchise instead of repackadging and tinkering with something that was already fine tuned over the generations.

Fuck. It pains me deeply when we agree on something.

WTF is AC though?

this fucking peice of shit site. FUCK.

Assassin’s Creed.

oh. lame.

Have you ever played any of them?

Goldeneye for N64 > MW2 (tactical knife being the only reason) > Diddy Kong Racing


Negative on that dude.

Epic graphics, great physics, usually a REALLY good story line, etc.
