Adam & Emanuel sweet talk a fatty on facebook


I fucking hate it when a land whale tries to pass herself off as hot. Its not like nobody’s eventually gonna find out she’s 500 pounds.

pjb you talk like you care? you dont have interest in women anyways :wierd


I like women, not men.

remind me again why you have no desire to pursue women?

too much other shit to deal with and I dont need the hassle right now at this point in my life.

I really dont mind being alone. Ive grown quite used to it.

you think garbage bag girl is beautiful!:ahh:lol

Too much other shit, what a 7-3 job and the gym? Cmon mang, time management!!

Time isnt the issue.
BTW theyve got me working 8-4 now.

Her - “little instigator”

E - more like a BIG instigator

I don’t know why but reading through and in the sub context I quite loled at that this morning.

i knew someone would love that. HAHA

i think its like a 40" waist

You guys be full of hq entertainment right here

We’re friends now :rofl

:lol she mustve saw your post

she blocked me within minutes :rofl

BAhhhh. Why the fuck would someone friend someone just to block them?

Wait, maybe she read your request for va-jay chow sessions and took you up on that offer? But why the block? :cry:

do not want huffalump in my bed

I think it’s because singh posted something about fucking a 400lb chick on my facebook.

Fucking cockblocked by singh wtf :rofl :rofl

I deleted it, but not in time apparently :rofl