Added some euro trash

So besides making cars for girls and homosexuals, VW makes a nice lip on the MK3 jetta that is just about the same size as the CRX. I’m no perfectionist nor do i REALLY care how clean my car is, but i think the addition of this lip adds to the look of my car. Not to mention it does a good job of hiding my cross member!

cars dirty and its a cell pic. but I’m generally happy with it

looks good matt

wow, i cant believe how it fits up so nice. looks better then most options out

you fucking jerk i was going to do the same thing with my bimmer!!!

and ya, they do look good on a lot of cars, but best on the ones they were made for…
^^^ my old car 3 or so years ago

and matt how did you do it? did you just measure the tabs for the vr lip and dremmel holes where it lines up?

what happened to not wanting hood pins? And i thought you were selling your car?

wow looks good :tup:

what engine/setup are you running if you don’t mind me asking.

hes running an ls/vtec turbo. and it does look good btw.


looks GREAT!

nice work.

Not a bad fit at all. Looks good

change them hood pins out for some aerocatch latches will look 10x better

nice work btw.

look awesome…i might be buyign one… call me a copycat!

edit: just ordered mine actually

this will work great for picking up dudeski’s

edit: 60 times

jam- i read on H-T that they are pretty close in size so i ordered one off the ebay. Zipped a few screws in and thats all. My bumper is all hacked up from my IC so once i get a new bumper it’ll be a little cleaner.

lsvtechatch- I didn’t want hood pins, but my hood latch broke closed so after getting pissed off i decided to rip the hood open and just get pins from advanced auto for $9. As for selling the car, well i planned on it but the kid bailed on me so its still mine. I’m probably doing some body work this summer and it might get a big ol’ FS sign on it just to see if someone bites.

JDMjunkie-fresh LS bottom end B16 head with a little work done to it. Custom top mount set up with a 57 trim t3/t04e (same as on the peak boost kit)

95Z28- fuck yourself :slight_smile:

escgt- i might swap um out but these were $9 and they were in stock the day i needed um.

mickdad246- we all know you’re a biter… :lol:

zero assault-YEAAA

I’ve had this car since 2004 and it was always been 90% done… then Id run into another problem and set me back more. It’s finally running, swapped over to OBD1, and scooting along pretty good for what it is. This year i plan on cleaning it up a bit, seats, cage, possibly rods n pistons then who knows… but on that note it’s always on the auction block as far as I’m concerned

LOL you put a vw part on ur car and it starts fucking up that night soooooo funny looks like shit btw my home depot lip will out do yours any day.

That lip and some bottlecaps and you’ll be mad euro jdm’z

SERIOUSLY…i put that lip on and all of a sudden my alternator wants to be gay!

i think it looks good man, buy my passenger headlight.

a head light? if you still had the whole front end i’d be all over it… but you don’t :frowning: