Adding a "New Posts" link to the drop-down

Is there a way to add a link to “New Posts” to the drop down “Forum Jump” at the bottom of the page?

It is a small thing, but I feel it may add to the overall ease of use of the site to be able to jump right to the New Posts without having to scroll up after reading through a large 50 post thread.

Just hit the “Home” key on your keyboard?

I will look into it, but I am not sure if that menu is an editable template or if I have to go digging through the primary code.

I see I could also mouse over to the “TOP” link at the bottom of the page and go from there. I guess that would also total (2) clicks to navigate, so maybe my suggestion is moot. Just a thought.

The new posts button is always visible to me at the top of each page?

did you even read the first post?

i will admit that this idea had occurred to me before but it was such a minor inconvenience that i quickly forgot about it.