whitey, I just wanted to suggest that you add the menu bar thing to the page that comes up after a search telling you no results. For example - when you click new posts and there is none, it comes up with a no results found. Often I leave my web browser open during work and will just go back eventually and check for new posts. It would be more convienent if the menu bar was on that page as well since when I get that page, I usually go to another browser window and when I come back its still there.
i am not following… when i go to new posts. it pulls up the new post, and all the menu structure is the same. now if you wanted to refresh that page you could either hit refresh and it would look for all the new post or just hit the new posts link and you would have all the new posts displayed
where do you see to have the problem?
When you hit new posts and there is no new posts, it comes up with a different screen that says no search results. Same screen that you get if you do a search with no results. If you hit refresh, it refreshes the no results page rather than checking for new posts. Do a search for supercalafragilistic or something odd and you’ll see what page I mean.
P.S. - if you hit refresh on the page listing the new posts, it doesn’t actually check for new posts. It only updates the current list as to whether you’ve viewed it or not. It there has been new replies to threads not in that list, they are not displayed. You have to click new posts again.
do a hard refresh… it works fine, it just runs a script. it works
hard refresh = shift + refresh button OR shift + F5